NILC Immigrant Justice Fund Statement in Response to Joe Biden Announcing Vice Presidential Choice

If elected, Biden-Harris ticket would be the first to send a woman of color to the White House

August 11, 2020

Hayley Burgess,, 202-805-0375

WASHINGTON, DC — In response to Vice President Joe Biden announcing his selection of Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) as his running mate, Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center Immigrant Justice Fund, issued the following statement:

“In selecting Senator Kamala Harris, Joe Biden has sent a clear message that a Biden administration will work to build an economy that creates good-paying jobs, strengthens workplace protections for all workers, and gives everyone, including immigrants, a fair shot to succeed. More than anything, our country desperately needs leadership that can unite us, not divide us based on where we were born or what we look like.

“A Biden-Harris ticket gives us all a chance to make history by sending a woman of color to the White House.

“The pandemic has shown how interdependent we all are. The only way we will get through this crisis is if we come together and take care of everyone in our communities.

“As the daughter of immigrants, Senator Harris’s story serves as a powerful reminder that through their contributions, immigrants make America stronger. This is especially poignant as we are reminded that almost 70 percent of immigrants in the American workforce work in essential industries.

“The stakes are quite literally life and death in this election for immigrants and for all working families. This election is a referendum on our nation’s values, and we can’t take anything for granted. All of us who want to see our country celebrate the role that immigrants play and the contributions they continue to make must unite behind Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.”

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