State of the Union: New Poll Shows Majority of Likely Voters Support Bold Action on Immigration

February 28, 2022

Juan Gastelum,, 213-375-3149
Emily Morris, 213-457-7458
Madison Allman, 202-384-1279 

Majority of Likely 2022 Voters Support Wide Range of Pro-Immigrant Policies, Including Ending Title 42 and the Remain in Mexico Program 

WASHINGTON — The NILC Immigrant Justice Fund today released the results of a new poll that shows likely voters broadly support and want lawmakers to prioritize enacting a variety of pro-immigrant policies. As President Biden prepares to make his State of the Union address, the results also show likely voters are dissatisfied with his handling of immigration so far, and that a plurality of Democrats do not believe he’s done enough to undo the harm of the previous administration’s policies.  

A majority of likely 2022 voters want Biden to end Title 42 and the Remain in Mexico program. An even greater percentage support policies to bolster immigrant access to essential services, including tax and health care systems, and make immigration processes fairer and more efficient. 

The poll also shows a majority of independent voters support a range of pro-immigrant policies, including establishing a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, ending the Remain in Mexico program, and protecting asylum seekers from deportation while their cases advance through immigration courts. A plurality of independent voters also support ending Title 42 expulsions. 

Bri Gillis, political director of the NILC Immigrant Justice Fund, said: “Likely voters support bold action on immigration and want President Biden to deliver on his campaign promises by doing more to reverse the previous administration’s harm. As Americans prepare to go to the polls again later this year, this poll reveals a real opportunity to energize the Democratic base without alienating independent voters. Despite some meaningful progress, this administration’s overly cautious approach to immigration is a political miscalculation. Delivering on a pro-immigrant vision would not only be good policy, but also good politics.” 

Visit this link to view the poll results:  

The poll, conducted by Impact Research, surveyed likely voters across the political spectrum. Topline results from the poll’s questions on policies include: 

  • 71% support making it easier for undocumented workers who want to pay taxes to do so   

  • 71% support reducing backlogs in green card and citizenship applications   

  • 64% support creating a path to citizenship   

  • 63% support protecting asylum seekers in the U.S. from deportation   

  • 53% support ending “Remain in Mexico” or MPP   

  • 52% support ending Title 42 expulsions at the U.S.-Mexico border 

  • 52% support strengthening protections to allow undocumented workers to exercise their labor and civil rights without fear of deportation 

Additional toplines include:  

  • Voters are critical of President Biden’s handling of immigration (net -40; 26% positive) and issues related to immigrants and refugees (net -39; 27% positive). 

  • More voters say Biden is not doing enough to reverse Trump’s policies than those who say he is (5-point margin).  

  • By a 9-point margin, voters indicate they would be more likely to support their member of Congress if they were in favor of legislation that would create a path to citizenship (39% more likely). 

To view the poll results, visit this link. Crosstabs are available here
