
Poll: Swing District Voters Want a Narrow Bipartisan Solution for Dreamers

Poll: Swing District Voters Want a Narrow Bipartisan Solution for Dreamers

WASHINGTON — The results of a new poll released today by the National Immigration Law Center show overwhelming support for Congress to reach a bipartisan compromise that would protect immigrant youth and fund cost-effective border security measures using advanced technology rather than a physical wall. Importantly, the poll indicates that a majority of voters favor an immigration system based on family reunification and one that continues to welcome people from countries experiencing hardships.

Republicans Must Put Politics Aside and Pass the Dream Act

November 28, 2017

Email: gastelum@nilc-ijf.org
Juan Gastelum, 213-375-3149

WASHINGTON — Hours before Republican and Democratic congressional leaders were to meet with the White House on Tuesday to discuss legislative priorities for the remainder of the year, Democratic leaders Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (CA) announced they would not attend the meeting.

The statement came after President Donald Trump tweeted earlier in the day that he does not see a deal happening. Elected representatives have until December 8 to approve a budget in order to avoid a government shutdown.

Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center Immigrant Justice Fund, issued the following statement:

“Following President Trump’s sideshow this morning, we commend Congresswoman Pelosi and Senator Schumer for opting out of political games and demonstrating that they are serious about arriving at real solutions to our country’s most pressing issues. With the futures of nearly 800,000 young immigrants and their families at stake, we urge them to continue to push for what’s right: to pass the Dream Act before the end of the year. Time is of the essence, and lives are at stake.

“Republicans control both chambers of Congress and the White House. It is in their hands to keep the government funded and running, and to pass legislation that meets our country’s needs. We hope they will put country above party. It is time Republicans put politics aside and work with Democrats to pass a bill that keeps the government running and addresses the crisis that President Trump created when he ended the DACA program.”
