Immigrant Justice Fund Launches Campaign To Reach Persuadable Voters in Battleground States With Winning, Pro-Immigrant Message

July 27, 2020

Tenoch Flores,

Immigrant Justice Fund Launches Campaign To Reach Persuadable Voters in Battleground States With Winning,
Pro-Immigrant Message

Poll Finds Persuadable Voters In Battleground States Widely Supportive of Pro-Immigrant Policies; Pro-Immigrant Messages Increase Support For Candidates

WASHINGTON, DC – On Monday, July 27, the National Immigration Law Center Immigrant Justice Fund (NILC IJF) released results of a battleground states poll that will serve as a basis for a forthcoming paid digital and earned media campaign to reach persuadable voters with a pro-immigrant message to counter President Trump’s anti-immigrant message.

The poll was conducted in the battleground states of Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The online survey took place June 22-28, by ALG Research on behalf of NILC IJF and consisted of 600 persuadable voters (those not definitely supporting either Biden or Trump) and an oversample of 100 Black likely voters and 100 Latinx likely voters for a total of 800 voters.

“Persuadable voters in battleground states are hungry for leadership that unites the country, as opposed to the division Donald Trump continues to offer them, and supportive of pro-immigrant policies that are also good for all of us,” said Marielena Hincapie, Executive Director of the National Immigration Law Center’s (NILC) Immigrant Justice Fund (IJF). “We’re setting out to demonstrate that candidates can embrace a pro-immigrant vision for America, and win campaigns by doing so. This is how we build power for immigrant families and all working people in this country.”

Among the poll’s top findings and message recommendations are:

  • The most effective positive message, across all groups of persuadable voters polled, is a message that highlights the need for leadership that unites us, no matter what we look like or where we are born, instead of dividing us. This stands in sharp contrast to what Trump continues to offer this group of voters.

    • Message: “We need leadership that brings us together, no matter what we look like or where we were born, and heals the racial wounds that have plagued our country, instead of dividing us. The presidency is not about one person, it’s about us all working together to build a better future.”

  • Pro-immigrant messages about building an economy that gives everyone a fair shot and gives everyone the opportunity to thrive were also very effective with this group of voters.

    • Message: “We need to build an economy that creates good paying jobs and gives everyone, including immigrants, a fair shot to succeed. Instead of continuing to reward big corporations and the wealthy, we need to reward hard work and the people who collectively make this country stronger.”

    • Message: “Instead of trying to divide Americans by race, class, or where we are born, it is more important than ever that we work to create an America where everyone is valued, treated equally, and given the opportunities they need to thrive.”

  • Immigrant doctors and nurses, teachers, Dreamers, and immigrant small business owners are especially effective and trusted immigrant messengers.

    • Message: “Immigrants make America stronger. 1 in 4 doctors, 1 in 6 nurses, and 1 in 5 restaurant workers in the U.S. are immigrants. Immigrants have helped keep the country healthy, safe, and cared for during this public health crisis. They deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.”

“The stakes are life and death for immigrant families in this election and we can’t take anything for granted,” said Hincapie. “All of us who want to see our country celebrate the role that immigrants play and the contributions they continue to make need to get behind and support candidates who speak to that vision. Campaigns and candidates should know that it’s not enough to be anti-Trump, that they can win by embracing and articulating a pro-immigrant vision that brings all of us together as Americans, no matter what we look like or where we were born.”

The campaign’s next steps will be to determine the battleground states that will become the focus of their effort, finalize voter targeting, and develop creative to reach voters with digital advertisements.

A link to the polling memo can be found here.