NILC Immigrant Justice Fund Statement In Response to Trump Rose Garden News Conference

July 14, 2020

Tenoch Flores,

WASHINGTON, DC – In response to President Trump’s July 14 Rose Garden press conference, Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center Immigrant Justice Fund, issued the following statement:

“President Trump has chosen once more to divide Americans by national origin in an attempt to distract from his failure to protect us from the pandemic. More than 135,000 Americans have died, tens of millions are out of work, and COVID cases continue to reach record levels across the country. Yet instead of providing a roadmap for how his Administration plans to keep Americans safe and help us provide for our families, our failure of a president thought it was a better use of his time to ramble for over an hour about the different ways he would continue to divide Americans by how we look and where we’re from if given a second term.

“As Trump doubles down on being divisive, the only way forward for our country is for all of us to unite and ensure we overcome this public health threat, the economic crisis, and racial inequities.  We must come together to make sure Trump does not have the opportunity to continue wreaking havoc on everyday people and our democracy. Americans are hungry for a president who unites people, values the contributions of immigrants, and truly puts working families first. 

“That’s the kind of vision we put forward in the Biden Unity Task Force recommendations – one that understands we will only get through this crisis and rebuild a healthier, safer, and more just America if we do it together. We’ve been saying all along, when cornered, when desperate, when called out on his failure to keep us safe during a pandemic, Trump will retreat to his comfort zone: using immigrants to divide Americans and distract from his failure to lead. At the NILC Immigrant Justice Fund, we’re putting forward a pro-immigrant vision for America that strengthens our country and will elect Joe Biden in November.”
