Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force on Immigration Releases Policy Recommendations; Pathway to Citizenship, Family Reunification, Enforcement Reform Among Key Recommendations

July 8, 2020

Tenoch Flores,

WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, July 8, the Biden for President campaign unveiled the results of the six Unity Task Forces set up, including immigration. Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center Immigrant Justice Fund, issued the following statement:

“It has been an honor to serve as co-chair of the Unity Task Force on immigration and champion the voices of immigrants in America. I want to thank Vice President Biden as well as the Sanders campaign for the opportunity to serve and for their commitment to a collaborative and unifying process ensuring that immigrant voices are included and heard. The Task Force outlines a pro-immigrant vision for America that celebrates the role and contributions that immigrants play in our country, reunites families and protects the rights of all workers.

“The recommendations provide a clear path for ensuring America’s recovery from this pandemic includes immigrants, undoing the harms of the Trump Administration, and enacting a 21st century immigration policy that strengthens our communities and ensures America is once again a beacon of hope around the world.

“As the Task Force draws to a close, we emerge more hopeful and even more committed to the work of electing Joe Biden president. For immigrants, the stakes in this election are life and death and we will work to secure a vision for a country in which immigrants, and their contributions, are recognized, respected and celebrated.” The Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force recommendations can be found here.

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